Lasting Power of Attorney

What Is A Lasting Power Of Attorney?

A Lasting Power of Attorney (Property & Affairs) is a legal document that lets you say who you want to handle all your financial affairs if you are unable to do so. You can also appoint someone to make Health & Welfare decisions for you.

Why Do I Need One?

Quite simply your Will takes affect upon your death and a Lasting Power of Attorney whilst you are still living. People are becoming more and more aware these days of the problems that can arise if you don't die but become incapable of managing your own affairs. As we get older it's things like senile dementia, Alzheimer's or just getting old but it doesn't just apply to the elderly, you could be a young healthy person involved in an accident which leaves you unable to look after your own affairs.

If you become incapable of making decisions for yourself and have not appointed another person then your personal affairs would be the responsibility of the Public Guardianship Office. Not only would you and your family have to come to terms with the grief and emotion of illness, you would also have the added strain of dealing with officials for every decision.

If your loved one becomes incapable of making decisions for themselves and has not appointed another person as LPA, their personal affairs would become the responsibility of the Public Guardianship office.

What Can You Do For Me?

Local Service - Discuss your personal wishes in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Peace of Mind - Put an end to the uncertainty. Give your family and loved ones the security that they both need and deserve, safe in the knowledge that you have written a legally valid Lasting Power of Attorney.

A Professional Service - Take advantage of a Company that specialises in writing Lastin Power of Attorney for people just like you.

Value of Money - There is a fixed fee for the writing of your Power of Attorney (quoted to you in advance) with no hidden costs and we don't ask for any money until we have drafted your Power of Attorney.

Real People - We understand how difficult the thought of making a Power of Attorney can be so we offer friendly guidance and advice delivered in plain English. We give you as much time and attention as you require to make the whole process simple, straightforward and painless.

(Fees quoted are valid from the 1st January 2024 to 31 December 2024)